Monday, October 22, 2007

Long time no see

Okay...for all of my friends who are still waiting for Alberto's story, it's almost done...I'm running as fast as I can. Things have been very hectic here. One of the GOOD things is that after 8 (Eight) months, my father's ship's bell clock is Finally fixed. It is an incredible blessing to have it chiming in my life again.
So... even tho this is not my usual forte, I give you the poem I wrote to the men who fixed it.
It makes me cry everytime I read it.


There is a capability for some to understand time-- in the head and the hand and the heart -- and the machines that document it.
My father left me his heartbeat in a ship's clock that had forgotten how to chime.
And I carried this clock to men who I hoped might help it to remember.
Tonight it sings to me....ship's bell language, stranger than Greek.
Each time it speaks, I think of those men,
who understood, that a chiming clock is much more
than brass and silver parts.
So...I thank you, Ira and your cohorts,
with all my heart
for understanding my need
to hear my father's heart-beat again.

Bless You All

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your second line is so beautiful, very strong with feeling. Also, visual in it's own way.

Thank you,